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Who We Are

The Columbia Council of Camera Clubs (4Cs) exists in the Pacific Northwest to promote photography knowledge and enjoy fellowship between member clubs and organizations. This is accomplished through sponsoring photography competitions and an annual convention. The 4Cs is composed of photo clubs, and individuals belonging to those clubs are also members of 4Cs.


Maxine Van Hoy Service Award


In 1968, the Council created the Maxine Van Hoy Service Award was created and named for its first recipient, who was a driving force in the creation of the Council.


The award is presented in recognition of service to the Council and is the highest award the Council can bestow.  The committee shall be the last three recipients of the Van Hoy award, with the most recent acting as chairman.  

A petition may be submitted to the committee nominating an individual for the award. This petition must be signed by three or more. The committee may also initiate a nominee.  
These petitions are to be submitted prior to the first of July.


Qualifications of a nominee should be listed in the petition and should include:

        a.    A minimum of five years of service to the Council

        b.    Services which promoted the aims of the Council


Finial decision by the committee must be unanimous.  If there are no nominations for the current year, no award will be made.  This award shall be presented at the Convention banquet by the previous year's recipient.  A permanent record plaque of these recipients will be held by the recipient until passed on the next recipient. A small stand-up medal shall be given each year to the recipient for the recipient to keep.


Updated rules as of January 1994.


Recipients of this award have been:


1968.............. Maxine Van Hoy

1969.............. Harvey Thurwell

1970.............. Darrell Best

1971.............. Francis McElroy & Charles Getzendaner

1972.............. Ted Peterson

1973.............. Ben D. Andrews

1974.............. A. L. Thompson

1975.............. Glenn Barber

1976.............. Robert R. Clark

1977.............. Russell Morgan

1978.............. Doris Talbot

1979.............. Ray McGuire

1980.............. None awarded

1981.............. Lucille Delattre

1982.............. Dorothy Thornton, APSA

1983.............. Emil Barr

1984.............. Irene Darling

1985.............. George Siegel

1986.............. Benton Dailey

1987.............. Edwin Larson

1988.............. Hal Ennor

1989.............. Ruth Bishop

1990.............. M. Craig Carver, APSA

1991.............. Susie V. Rydquist

1992.............. Bernie Torrey

1993.............. James Baker

1994.............. William Burke, APSA

1995.............. Alora Johnson-Self & Gary Fields

1996.............. Barbara Watson & Roland Smith

1997.............. Ed Gervais

1998.............. Dan Heidel, FPSA

1999.............. Winnie Erickson, APSA

2000.............. Wilma Roberts

2001.............. Karen Sharinghousen

2002.............. George Self

2003.............. Gordon Battaile

2004.............. Tony Mason

2005.............. Pat Starr

2006.............. Mary Furness

2007.............. Bruce Bittle

2008.............. Tye Watts

2009.............. Lori Montgomery

2010.............. Drinda Battaile

2011.............. Art Burkhalter

2012.............. Irene Fields

2013.............. Neal Thompson

2014.............. Lisa Nathan
2017.............. Linda Johnson
2018 ............. Michael Anderson
2019 ............. John Craig
2022 .............Gordon Battaile

All images and files on the 4Cs website are copyrighted by the individual makers. Images and image files may not be screen copied, or downloaded in any way without the expressed permission of the maker. Contact the Webmaster if you would like to purchase an image.